Benefits of Joining
Here are some good reasons for joining PollenTree
Free to join - quick and easy
We have more members and so more potential matches
We actively moderate PollenTree
Have potentially suitable members recommended to you daily
Your privacy is important to us
No ads or ad tracking
Why Subscribe to PollenTree
Find and message other serious and committed members
Appear higher in relevant search results
We never have access to or store your payment details, all payments are secure
You can cancel your subscription at any time
Subscribing creates trust between members
A paid-for service discourages the wrong type of member
What we do that other sites simply do not
Full moderation of all new members - we do this to prevent the wrong type of people joining.
IP address resolution, to check people are where they say - prevents scammers & spammers.
IP address blocking, specific IPs or country-wide IPs to limit access from known problem areas.
24/7 support & backup.
Your privacy is important, we do not allow surnames or details that may readily identify members.
We follow the "right to be forgotten" - if you leave PollenTree we remove all of your data. We do not retain or sell your data - unlike other sites.
All of the above takes people, time & money - this is the reason we charge a subscription for messaging.
If you would prefer not to pay there are free options out there with little or no moderation, filled with people we have rejected - all for very good reasons.
We believe that a properly run service is important.
PollenTree is open to everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion
PollenTree is free to join and inclusive
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