Anne / Petersfield
Anne Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 41

Location: Petersfield, England-Hampshire, GB

Hello. Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile.

I am a single woman who is quite settled in her career and life, but something is missing. I would love to have a child. It is just me and the cat in a 2 bed flat, but I also have my parents (who are retired) and 2 younger sisters. This baby will probably be the only grandchild (without fur).

I am ideally looking for someone who is fair skinned with blue eyes, and is blonde or was when they were a child. I just feel that there will already be a lot of questions from acquaintances, so at least if the baby has my skin tone and colouring, it will be easier with strangers.

I am not asking anyone else to be involved in this journey with me, as I totally get that might not be what either of us want.

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