Awesomesauce / Borup
Awesomesauce Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 35

Location: Borup, Minnesota, US

My name is Jackie I have been trying for a kid since I met my husband. The reason we are looking for help is my husband has myotonic dystrophy which makes it harder for him to have kids and he doesn't want a kid to be born with this disease he had a brother that was born with it he has died 5 times. As for me I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which makes it harder to have kids. And my whole life I wanted a kid it's been my dream my mom passed away last year and I have wanted to give her a grand kid but now I want to give my dad a grand kid before he passes. Kids have been my passion and to start a family of my own I do have a stepdaughter I love dearly and to give her more siblings would make our family complete

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