BellAdonis / San Antonio
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Biological Sex: Female

Age: 35

Location: San Antonio, Texas, US

My name is Johnny and I am 28 years old I am married to my beautiful wife who is 25 years old and we have two children a boy and girl ages 3 and 7 we are looking to extend our happy family but need your help to do so. We are both women, myself a welder and she a nurse. We are financially stable and enjoy our free time as a family by going out and making memories. We are close and cannot wait to share this bond with another child. Our kids are very active in the arts, our daughter loves theatre and our son loves to dance. Our families are super supportive and both sides of our families are close as well so there is a great amount of love and value there. We are all excited about trying to have another child and hope that you can help make our dreams come to fruition.

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