Benji87 / Cardiff
Benji87 Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 38

Location: Cardiff, Scotland, GB

I'm healthy, I'm a Certified Nutrition Specialist.

I'm not completely gay or straight or bi-sexual, I see myself more of a queer person, which in my case is being attracted to the opposite gender most of the time and interested in getting more in touch with my feminine side.

I don't really abide by society's gender roles, as I'm an androgynous free-spirit I see those roles as too limiting n stereotypical.

My bachelor's was in Psychology so is the Master's degree that I'm working on, and after that I'm planning to work full-time as a writer. and in the future i might apply to do my PhD in Moral Philosophy.

I'm an aspiring writer.

We could further discuss which method of impregnation is suitable for us, I'm open to the prospect of: I.V.F. (in-vitro fertilization), N.I. (natural insemination) which worked the second time me n the previous co-parent made an attempt, but not A.I. (artificial insemination) which didn't produce any results even after more 12 attempts.

I would like to be to involved with the child as much as possible, and as much as its convenient with the single mom or lesbian couple, I would love to be there when the baby is born, and maintain regular contact (I'm sorry, being limited to the occasional photo or update via email will not cut it for me,) when it comes to visitation, the bare minimum I would accept is attending his or her birthday every year, if the child needs a father figure in his or her life, I would like to be there for them in that way, and if the child needs anything financially I would be glad to help him or her or whoever is taking care of him or her as much as I can.

Please note: if you're looking for 1) a donor who would basically abandon his baby after a donation or 2) a donor who would accept some financial fee in exchange for pretty much 'selling' his children and give up any potential bond to his future son or daughter or 3) a guy who's just doing it for the bareback sex; or 4) a donor who's doin' it so he can brag about his verility to his buddies n tell them how he now has 14 different kids that he never met or wanted to meet; then I'm not the guy for u. Its more about quality than quantity for me.

I have a strong paternal instinct and being a father is as important to me as being a mother is to you (and your partner if you are a lesbian couple), so I think its unfair that one parent should have his dream of parenthood fulfilled and the other be compelled to completely miss out on that wonderful opportunity.

And it is as essential for the child to know who his or her father is and have the chance to cultivate a good and positive bond with him; as much as it essential for him/her to know his/her mother and have a close and healthy relationship with her, and nobody has the right to deprive the child from the love of either of his or her parents.

We have to keep in mind that the number one priority in any arrangement is: the best interest and welfare of the child; not the whims of a runaway/absent dad who doesn't want to take any moral or financial responsibility for the life he helped bring into this world, nor the selfish limitations that r imposed by a mum who only thinks about her personal desires and subjects her child to the life of an orphan when his father is still alive.

We have to also remember that the child is a human being with feelings and emotions and should not be treated like he or she is anybody's private property and have everything arbitrarily decided for him or her (such as who will be included in his or her life and who isn't, instead of waiting until the child is old enough to make those kinds of decisions for him or herself.)

I wanted to say that besides both of us having a good relationship with the child, it is also vital for us as parents to be on good terms with each other, as that would be conducive to a more relaxed and care-free atmosphere and it would show our child how parents could get along with each other even if they're not dating or married and no matter how different their lifestyles are.

If you're a straight or lesbian couple reading this; I would like to also say that I would be content with the fact that your husband or lesbian life-partner would be a big part of my future son's or daughter's life and that they would be influenced by her as they might spend more time with her than they would with me, (which is something I'm already envying him or her for lol) and I would love to get to know him or her as much as I would love to get to know u, and be friends with both of u, as I'm sure that would contribute a great deal to my appreciation to the nurturing environment that our child would grow up in.

I look forward to starting a co-parenting arrangement with u, that would be based on congeniality, acceptance and respect for all parties involved.

Interested In

  • IVF
  • Sperm Donation (donor)
  • Co-Parenting (male)
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