Constantine / Grants Pass
Constantine Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 50

Location: Grants Pass, Oregon, US

I'm Native American, lesbian woman, mother of two(from two different donors), archeology and cultural resources by trade, very family orientated, loves life to the fullest. I'm in a long term committed relationship with my high school sweetheart of 25 years. Her and I are looking forward to expanding our family with another beautiful baby to love and cherish. We are west coast residents but have ties to the east coast as well. Our two children are mixed our son is Native, Mexican, Thai, and Caucasian. Our daughter is Native, Mexican, and Caucasian. They are 8 and 3 and are looking forward to another sibling to grow with as well. My spouse is 43 yr old, Caucasian female, teacher by trade, no birth children of her own, loving, kind, and generous to a fault. Hoping to find a donor willing to help making another one of our dreams come true!

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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