Anthony / Austin
Anthony Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 35

Location: Austin, Texas, US

I've been donating sperm for several years and have had successful pregnancies. I am a scientist and hold a PhD in Pharmacology and MS in Computer Science. I have a clean record of health and no family history of disease. I am 100% STD free and get regularly tested. I'm a proven effective donor with a high success rate and have helped two other couples get pregnant. Please feel free to contact me with questions. I will not solicit you for NI. The last time I helped a couple have a baby through donation was an amazing
experience, and I would be very grateful to be able to participate in that again.

Why you should choose me:

I am in excellent health and have no genetic disorders
I have a high rate of success
I am an intelligent and successful person - best genes for your baby.
I'm a clean, professional, and courteous donor and will go out of my way for

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
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