Elizabeth / Norfolk
Elizabeth Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 34

Location: Norfolk, Virginia, US

I have wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. However, I got divorced at 31 and haven't found the right partner yet. My fertility is not something I am willing to gamble with, and so here I am.

I am looking for someone who wants to be involved in raising a child with another person. I am ok with a long-distance situation, even international, as long as my coparent is involved in the child's life. Straight up - I am going to feel more comfortable communicating with you the more filled out your profile is.

I'm an INTJ, and boy do I fit the ticket. I'm a life-long learner, curious, and enjoy getting to know about or experience different things simply for the sake of knowledge. My hobbies include hiking, reading, thrifting, cooking, and I play the cello. I'm a huge history buff and love a good museum. I also have a soft spot for animals. My job is being a teacher!

My feelings on certain topics when it comes to raising a child...

Religion: I am a Pagan but it doesn't really matter to me what religion my child's other parent follows as long as nothing is forced on the kid.

Medicine: I like to think I'm a good mix between natural methods and modern medicine. For example, peppermint tea for an upset stomach but chemotherapy for cancer. I do vaccinate myself and I would vaccinate my children also. I am against circumcision for boys.

Food: I eat mostly pescatarian, though chicken slips in from time-to-time. It does not bother me if my child's other parent does eat red meat and I would be ok with my child eating red meat and simply discuss my personal choice with them when they get old enough to notice.

Discipline: With my background in education, I have a good understanding of child development and where kids are at various stages in relation to their mental abilities or understandings at that stage.

Obviously there's a lot that's hard to cover in a profile, but hopefully this is enough for you to get an idea about me and if you think I would be the right partner to take this extremely serious but also extremely rewarding task on with. If you feel that we would be a good match, send me a message!

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (female)
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