Elizabeth / Doncaster
Elizabeth Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 28

Location: Doncaster, England-South Yorkshire, GB

I have been with my partner now for 5 years and we are desperate to fill the void in our lives and start a family of our own.

We are looking for someone who is genuine in helping out a couple who long for a family. Not someone who wants to waste time, get people’s hopes up to then let them down. This is a heart ache I have experienced and it really is not nice.

Our method for donation would be AI only so please do not push for NI or PI as this is a definite no. We are not looking to co-parent. We are looking for donations only with no contact.

If you want to know anything about us at all, please feel free to message, I am happy to answer any questions.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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