Francesca / London
Francesca Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 35

Location: London, England-London, GB

I'm a single woman seeking a co-parent. Having tried traditional dating sites, I've been put off by the emphasis on hook-ups and casual encounters. I'm looking for genuine connections and mutual respect, particularly in the context of co-parenting and raising a family.

I love travel and have an adventurous spirit and would like to raise a child with that same curiosity. I'm also a keen cook and take pride in creating delicious meals. Being pretty house proud, I value a warm and welcoming home environment.

Family is important to me, and I have a great relationship with mine. I adore spending time with my niece and nephew; being an aunt has brought me immense joy.

I'm seeking to explore the option of co-parenting with someone kind, trustworthy, and financially stable. While I work for myself and earn well, I would want to take time out to have a child without financial pressure. I plan to maintain a small income to support myself but I would need financial support from the father for the child.

I'm open to a platonic relationship with the co-parent, with the belief that starting with a friendship would be ideal. I would consider living together to co-parent and provide a nurturing environment for our child.

While I'm open to co-parenting with either a straight or homosexual male, my preference is for someone who is white.

If you're interested in exploring this option further or meeting for a coffee to discuss, please feel free to message me.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
  • Co-Parenting (female)
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