GothKat13 / Petaluma
GothKat13 Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 29

Location: Petaluma, California, US

Hello, I am a professional model and married happily to my female partner, we've been talking about having a baby together. We are not wanting to co parent. Together my partner and I make enough to have a family, we are a loving couple with a lot of love to give but we feel like paying an unnatural amount to a sperm bank is not the way to raise and have a child.

We are open to adoption but we would prefer to have a sperm donor.

Please note I have had many forced miscarriages from abusive relationships and rape babies and having a child is something very important to me so I'm slightly sensitive.

Interested In

  • IVF
  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
  • Adoption
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