Jayne / Chesterfield
Jayne Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 31

Location: Chesterfield, England-Derbyshire, GB

Well where to start...
My Husband and I are in need of a sperm donor.
Put bluntly we're in need of a caucasian donor, not too far away, who is happy to travel to us, knock on the door and hand over the sample leaving us to it.

We are happy to share info with you regarding when we get pregnant, sex of baby and babies safe arrival, if donor wants to know that but we are wanting to be our own little family and are not interested in coparenting with a donor.

Someone who is happy to commit to helping us get our happy ever after and helping by donating multiple times until we get there.

(Genetic markers same as my husband brown hair and brown eyes would be a bonus but not a deal breaker)

If you think you could help we would really appreciate you getting in touch.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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