Nicole / Spokane
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Biological Sex: Female

Age: 37

Location: Spokane, Washington, US

I am a 32 year old married mom to a 12 year old girl from my first marriage, and have been happily remarried for almost 6 years now. My husband is the father to 3 older boys, and had a vasectomy during his first marriage.

I am a nanny and student, pursuing a legal career and he is a successful vp.

We have pursued unmedicated IUI at home using purchased sperm from a bank, but wanting to pursue this unmedicated and at home, multiple vials would become very expensive quickly so I we are seeking a donor through other methods. We are happy to keep your anonymity, or potential updates, or even contact after a certain age.

Interested In

  • IVF
  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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