John / Fulham
John Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 44

Location: Fulham, England-London, GB

Me, in a nutshell...

I'm an open book and love to learn. I enjoy experiencing all that life has to offer. I've travelled all over the world and held down many different jobs, in multiple industries.

Afternoons spent wandering through museums and galleries are a favourite. Plenty of coffee, and a Pan-au-chocolat or 2 for fuel!

I also like weekends in the middle of nowhere, wild camping, cinema and film, travel, and trying food from all over the world.

My natural skills pertain towards creativity. I have talents in painting, drawing, sculpture, creative writing, cheffing and many more. I can turn my hand to most things in the creative world.

Education wise, I have a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Oceanography, a National Diploma in Performing Arts and various smaller certificates. I was also in the Royal Navy briefly as a Aircraft Engineering Technician. During basic training I was awarded a medal for being the Highest Achieving Academic. From there I was put forward for Officer Based Training, but military life was not for me.

To date I haven't settled and had children of my own, hence my reasons for becoming a home based sperm donor.

I've had a full health screening, including sexual health, genetic health, sperm count, morphology and motility. All results conclude as good and healthy. The condition and count of my sperm is healthy and high. I have no physical health problems... other than life's bodily wear and tear. My most recent sexual health screening was 3 weeks ago, and I maintain one sexual partner.

Artificial insemination techniques, as opposed to natural insemination through sex would be a preference. This is to be discussed however, and I'm happy to consider all options.

I am here to help others and not seeking future based, ongoing contact. Please make sure that you're happy with this arrangement first and foremost. The exception to this rule is if you're looking to build a family, and would like more than 1 child from the same donor. I'm happy to maintain some form of communication, for future discussion if needed.

In the first instance we meet, chat and decide if we're happy to proceed. I'm happy with both phone and video chats, and meeting in person. Grabbing a coffee, walking and talking are always great options. I am here to offer unbiased help through donation, to almost anyone seeking it. The meeting is more for you, to make sure you are happy with me as your donor.

Please feel free to reach out, I'm happy to talk and answer any questions you might have.

Interested In

  • IVF
  • Sperm Donation (donor)
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