KMA29 / Steele
KMA29 Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 36

Location: Steele, Alabama, US

I'm a single white female in northeast Alabama who is looking for a sperm donor/co parent. I have longed for a child my entire life and have always pictured myself as a mommy. I just recently ended a toxic relationship and I am not looking to be in the dating scene any time soon. I would like to find someone in my area who is just as passionate about being a parent as I am. I don't believe that 2 people have to be together to love and raise a child in a loving way. I am also not interested in natural insemination, AI only. Also my donor will need to be patient and understanding as I have had some fertility issues in the past. But honestly I feel as if it was bad timing and I was not meant to have a child with my ex. Please help me achieve my mommy goals.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
  • Co-Parenting (female)
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