Kate / Stroud
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Biological Sex: Female

Age: 32

Location: Stroud, England-Gloucestershire, GB

I never know how to start these things!! So, I'll start with work..
I am a therapist, but before that I worked in various care settings..mainly mental health and learning disabilities. Most people say I seem older than I am, but I think when you work with people in such extreme settings it's gives you a good dose of life experience!

I have a degree in theatre arts. Creative type rather than academic.

I am chatty with people I know well or anyone that will talk about life with me..
I dabble in the spirituality practices - meditation and yoga etc. But nothing consistent, my discipline in this area has a sporadic engagement which I hope to improve.

Hobbies include walking, hiking and baking. I wish I had a garden and imagine I'd grow my own vegetables. I used to paint, but now I prefer baking as a creative process now. I love walking, really good for grounding and removing any anxiety or stress..

My partner and I are looking for a donor as he doesn't have sperm..we are looking for donation only rather than a co-parenting situation. Ideally we'd like someone who looks similar to him, he's 5' 9" slim/athletic build and caucasian. Both non smokers. I don't drink, he drinks very occasionally.

I've wanted to have a family for a long time. I have brothers and sisters I love dearly and have amazingly positive relationships with. I hope to have children who will be good friends with their siblings. I never imagined I would need a sperm donor, but family comes in all forms and I look forward to creating mine.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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