A little about me: I consider myself a citizen of the world. I was raised in several different countries thanks to my father being a successful international journalist. Without necessarily intending to, I followed in his footsteps and ended up with a successful career in media/journalism myself.
I’m currently based in New York City, which I consider to be home now. I’ve wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. It’s really the only thing I’ve ever felt 100% certain about wanting. That’s only crystallized over the last few years as I became acutely aware that it’s a life experience that I don’t want to miss out on.
I definitely initially envisioned doing it the traditional/heteronormative way with a husband etc., but as I found myself newly single again in 2019, I started to have fears about whether that would ever happen, and when? I realized I didn't want to leave it to chance. So I started to do some research into alternative options and platonic co-parenting with someone with whom I am aligned in meaningful ways sounds like a dream.
Interested In
- Sperm Donation (recipient)
- Co-Parenting (female)