Mary / Charlotte
Mary Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 27

Location: Charlotte, Michigan, US

Hello :) I am looking for a free sperm donor. My partner and I are wanting to have a baby. I had a previous pregnancy and was single with my daughter for 6 weeks. I met my partner at work and she became my child's second mom. We have been looking into many options. But unfortunately the options we currently have would put too much financial strain on our family. I would love to give my daughter a sibling. 💓

We are looking for half Mexican half Irish or Polish. My partner is half Mexican. And due to being a lgbtq family we want to include both partners ancestry. Would love to extend our family by one or two siblings. Our daughter loves music and dancing. I had two siblings growing up and loved being a sister and a mentor to my siblings. Want the same for my child if possible :)

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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