McNair / Vancouver
McNair Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 43

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, CA

I live in Vancouver Canada - but I'm looking to relocate, possibly in Canada (*Edmonton*, Kingston, Hamilton, Halifax, Ottawa). Possibly somewhere else (Seattle).

I make film and video games, and do public health research for the Naval reserves. I like a wide variety of nerdy things, daring social progress, and community building.

I'm a queer nonbinary woman with a great love of living with others, cooking for others, and quiet projects. I love writing with others, tabletop rpgs, and building 3d objects. I would love to be part of parenting, and, have modified my careers to make it possible to be a primary caregiver.

My former partner and I realized that we had very different ideas around parenting. We still care about each other but are no longer together. Now I am trying to make parenting happen. How? Adoption; long-term fostering; co-parenting; surrogacy. Whatever it is, I'm open.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
  • Adoption
  • Co-Parenting (female)
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