Meems0706 / Charleston
Meems0706 Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 44

Location: Charleston, WV, US

Hi. I am a 35 almost 36 year old lesbian that is looking for the missing piece. I have a beautiful and amazing 6 year old that my ex girlfriend carried while we were together. I love her as if I carried her. However I have not got to feel the movements in my belly and the first kick and watch my belly grow. I am a youth worker that works with at risk youth in state custody. I love everything about my job. If I can change and influence one life for the better then I have done my job well. I am very much a family person. They are the world to me. People would describe me as funny, caring, giving, devoted, loving, loyal and an amazing mom to my daughter. I am at a point in my life when things are going the way they should. I have a great job. Amazing support system and stability. I said I would never carry a child until I knew the time was right. I feel with my entire soul that now is the time.

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