Meronsk / Berkeley
Meronsk Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 38

Location: Berkeley, CA, US

We are a family of 3 as you can see in the photo. Our son is 19mo old now and we live in East Bay. We are an international household with French and English spoken in the house. We are reaching out to people who might be interested in co-parenting with us because we believe that it will be beneficial, given matching fit, for all parties involved to raise ours and your child together in one household. We are open to considering different dynamics, but it became clearer for us that we should put ourselves out there and see if we can find a match in this arena. We will consider another couple who already have a child or children; single male or female; or a couple who don't have a child. Let us talk. Thank you for your consideration.

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (female)
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