South Wales area, still looking for someone to co parent with. Dark blonde and blue eyes. Educated (first class honours degree), full time working as a carer. Previous jobs include part time lecturer for child development, safeguarding and child protection, and theory of play modules, teaching assistant and 1:1 support assistant in primary school. So have plenty of experience working with children of all ages, ethnicities, disabilities and needs. Very keen to become a father soon as it’s been my lifetime dream from a young age.
I’m a healthy, never smoked or taken drugs, I’m a light social drinker (very rarely, prefer a Pepsi max), no health conditions.
Honestly, I’m not looking to relocate, I have a good job and life where I am so really hoping to find someone who is either in Wales or looking to relocate.
I’m desperate to become a father, I feel that is what my whole life has been building up to, I’m not interested in starting a relationship with someone and would prefer to raise a child with someone as friends, preferred method would be AI.
I’m serious about this and hoping to have some success soon. I want this very badly and hoping to find someone with a similar vision who we can work together to raise our child. I want at least a 50/50 involvement, I want to be a big part of the child’s life and would like to find someone who is willing to share the load (I’m more than happy to have more than 50% involvement myself, but happy to have an even split with the mother).
Looking to hear some success stories from here too if anyone has them.
Interested In
- Co-Parenting (male)