Raymond / Ontario
Raymond Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 48

Location: Ontario, New York, US

I know how frustrating it can be to have a strong desire to be a parent crushed by the cruel reality of infertility. During our journey to parenthood, we were informed that my sperm counts were enviously high. With our journey happily over, I wish to help others share in the joy of parenthood.

I am also friendly to the LGBTQ community and, having been raised in a such a blended and extended family, I know that they can provide a loving and supportive home for children.

I am a registered nurse and father of three children concieved with the assistance of IUI, so I am no stranger to "the cup". I am willing to assist in the manner that you prefer. I am content with the relationship with my children, so I am not looking to co-parent or to maintain a relationship beyond donation.

While not the most physically or athletically gifted, I did teach myself to read when I was 3 and by the 6th grade, was reading at the college level. I was that annoying know-it-all kid in the class. Remember all those standardized tests they made us take in school? I never scored below the 90th percentile and even scored in the 98th on a few of them.

I am about as white as they come, mostly of Irish and northern European descent. Dirty blond/light brown hair (when I still had it), blue eyes, and stocky build.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
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