Rebecca / Richmond
Rebecca Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 38

Location: Richmond, Virginia, US

I am an intelligent, fun, responsible, honest and nurturing woman. I always thought I’d have kids but I’d never met the right man. I love the idea of co-parenting for a few reasons:

1) the child will have two extended families, more cousins, and a greater support network for the coparents.

2) it’s important kids are exposed to different perspectives and observe how coparents talk through conflict in a healthy manner.

3) built in support during accidents or illnesses.

4) time away for each parent to cultivate their own lives, travel, hobbies, and romantic endeavors.

I work remotely and can move anywhere but I prefer Maryland down through North Carolina so I’m close enough to my parents.

Looking to meet a financially and emotionally stable man. He should be in good health and have lots of energy. He should approach this from a collaborative, partnership focused angle. Gay/Bi men encouraged to reach out.

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (female)
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