Rebekah / Los Lunas
Rebekah Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 36

Location: Los Lunas, New Mexico, US

Hi! My wife and I are looking for someone local who wouldn't mind donating sperm through an at home kit to help us. We've been married since 2016 but together since 2014, and known each other since 2011. We've tried through IUI twice but it didn't work. And are ready to try again. Looking through AI and no coparenting.

We are a monogamous lesbian couple ready to start a family. We have 3 cats, both have good jobs and believe in allowing the child to be who they want to be without force of being someone they aren't as well as their identity. We plan on raising our child in a loving home, full of experience and learning and question asking.

We love to camp, go to Colorado, board games and karaoke.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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