Robert / Basingstoke
Robert Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 44

Location: Basingstoke, England-Hampshire, GB


Hi! :) I'm a single gay man seeking a compatible partner to conceive and co-parent a biologically related child, in an amicable friendly relationship to appropriately support and nurture the child.

This is something that I've been thinking about for at least the last 10 years but putting off due to the complexity and financial reasons, but I don't feel I can delay any further, or bear the inevitable regret of not acting. I have a strong desire to be a father and experience the kind of relationship I had with my own father growing up.

I'm exploring co-parenting because I much prefer the idea of shared responsibility with the mother over an option such as surrogacy, and feel it very important that a child have a strong relationship and bond with his biological mother.

I work as a department head operating in the telecoms sector, and am financially stable, with a good family support structure around me. I am a software engineer by trade.

My interests are in science, nature, technology, and music. I produce music as a hobby, with some work seeing commercial release this year. I also DJ in London from time to time for a community night.

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (male)
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