Serena / Milton Keynes
Serena Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 41

Location: Milton Keynes, England-Buckinghamshire, GB

Female seeking partner to have a family with. I am in good health and currently in the process of having my eggs frozen (bit late to the party but better than never I guess!). I have a good job/salary and would ideally like to raise the child in or close to Milton Keynes where I have the support of my family and friends. It would be my preference to stop working during the child's early years to prioritise their care.

I am of indian origin and would ideally want a child of mixed heritage so would prefer a partner from a non-Indian background. I am non-religious but would like my children to learn about their culture as well as that of the co-parents.

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (female)
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