Shae / Summertown
Shae Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 25

Location: Summertown, Tennessee, US

Hello! Me and my wife are trying to start our family. We have been together for 3 years and been trying to get pregnant for about a year and a half. As you can tell it is hard for a non heterosexual couple to start a family much less having to deal with all of the hatred and disapproval from the world around us. But enough with that.. I grew up in Texas with my adopted parents and sister as well as my half brother. When I was 18, I moved up to Alabama where I met my beautiful wife. Soon after, we moved to Tennessee where we live on gorgeous small farm. We are financially stable and we have been saving up for a while for addition to our beautiful family. I am excited to see ever life takes us now.

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