BK / Philadelphia
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Biological Sex: Female

Age: 35

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US


I am ideally seeking to have a amicable and loving partnership/co-parenting relationship with another person(s), and am open to other types of co-parenting arrangements, queer, platonic or otherwise.

I'm a very curious, but introverted queer person. I love life, nature, music and travelling (I know, so cliché).
I am also multicultural and multilingual.

I have basically dedicated my whole schooling/working career to working with little people so I'd be delighted to, so I'm looking forward to expanding my family, and would honestly rather do it the unconventional way.

I am not perfect, nor am I where I would like to be in life yet, but I am happy with how far I have come and continue to look forward to the future with bright eyes bc more than anything, I'm committed to growing through the challenges life presents me with. I think of the world as my oyster and dream about seeing so much of it still, and raising mindful, loving little humans who will hopefully grow to love and cherish life as much as I do:)

Interested In

  • Egg Donation (donor)
  • Co-Parenting (female)
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