Tabbiesue / Trilla

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 38

Location: Trilla, Illinois, US

I am seeking someone to help my dream come true.I am 30 years old and a mother of two angel babies. My Chloe Sue was born July 1 2006 after bwing induced because her heart had stop I'd delivered a precious baby girl who had wrapped herself in her chord.her father and I were together 6 years when we had her then tried for 4 more years to get over the pain of the loss and decided to go our separate ways.After some time I ended up meeting a wonderful man and after a year got married. I was pregnant a month after we said I do. I was very cautious about getting attached to this baby knowing what could happen.. slowly I couldn't fight the feelings of getting a second chance of being a mother. July 1 passed and everything was fine emotional day bc of Chloe but great knowing her sister was health and growing well inside of me. July 3 comes and I went to work like any other day while driving home for work I began to have horrible pain in Made it to my cousins house bc the pain was so unbearable and got rushed to the hospital right away. Olivia Elaine was born July 3 2012 by emergency c cection. She had became detached and it had caused me to hemorage. I live in a small town and the hospital here doesn't deliver babies so when I had to be rushed to the hospital it was 30 min away.. 7 min would of saved my daughter's life.. 7 min I dream about every day. Now for most when they loose a baby its in the first couple months both of my girls in was 7 1/2 months pregnant with then and delivered fully developed babies. I held both of my angels and cherished every second I had with them. Again with hard times it messes with relationships and some pain is to unbearable to handle. My husband and I divorced. In both of these relationships we are still very close friends and share the bond of our angel babies every year. I will never let their memory die as I wake up every day and look at their pictures and tell them I love them. As their birthdays get closer this year and I realize that I have a 10 and 4 year old I am ready to try again. I am emotionaly ready to try again with an amazing doctor standing next to me every part of the way. I have finally came to a place where i know it's all going to be alright. I am looking for someone who would like to help me in making my Dream come true. I don't look for pItty and someone to say I'm sorry for your loss I am looking to create a life and me be an amazing mother I have destined to be.I am not looking for someone to stand by me or the child. I have an amazing support system and amazing family that will be everything me and the child would need. I have a full time career and have been doing it for 10 years now my own house and vehicles I am financially stable to take care of all needs of the child.

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