Tom / Syracuse
Tom Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 41

Location: Syracuse, New York, US

I'm looking for a woman with whom to start a happy and healthy coparenting relationship. Romance is not a primary objective, but I suspect building a family with someone like minded provides a fulfillment and contentment unlike any other. Just stressing that yes I want a full coparenting and maybe cohabitating (eventually) arrangement that would last at least until our kid/s are adults.

Ideally this would be with someone like minded. Maybe you feel a little disillusioned or even scammed by modern values. I am socially traditionalist and conservative in some ways, although I don't subscribe to partisan ideologies and am more anti-establishment. I'm very pro-environment. I practice authentic ancestral Indo-European spirituality based on European paganism/philosophy and the Vedic (Hindu) scriptures, and ideally you'd be ok with that. Like everyone I do have some baggage which I'd be happy to discuss in person eventually.

I'm 6'1, 170 lbs, no health issues. I'm currently finishing my second MS degree.

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (male)
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