Nicole / Conover
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Age: 31

Location: Conover, North Carolina, US

My husband and I are on the journey to start a family. Both of us are employed and have built a life together for 11 years as we are high school sweethearts. We got married in 2017 and our love has flourished over the years. We would love to have children and surround them with love and good morals as we have defied odds over the course of our relationship.

My husband has a good job and is currently pursuing his Bachelors in Business as he is on the path on starting his own business. I have always have had a passion for baking but we have come to an agreement that our children would be raised in a home where mother is always around since my husband lost his mother at 16.

We are seeking a sperm donor because my husband is transgender and cannot produce sperm. We would compensate our donor within reason and would cover any testing (if not already provided) and legal documents to protect both parties. We are seeking a donor who possesses good common core traits and no major medical issues. We hope you consider!

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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