Ashley / Birmingham
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Biological Sex: Female

Age: 38

Location: Birmingham, England-West Midlands, GB

Hello I’m white hazel eyes 5ft.6in. I’m looking for a sperm donor for myself. I have endometriosis however I want to try this way before going to a clinic, as I’ve done that once before and it was stressful. I’ve also done AI at home before years ago with another donor and it worked in the 4th try however unfortunately it didn’t stick. I stopped trying until now cause “life” doesn’t always go to plan but this is what is always on my mind and I just want a babe.

Im looking for someone intelligent, someone who has had STI checks great if you have had a sperm count done recently, must be willing to sign a contract to say you don’t take parental responsibility for any child conceived and I can’t come for you for child maintenance.

Biracial people even better or Jamaican as I do have family ties with Jamaica, England, Greece, so any one with these genes I would very happy. Blue eyes with dark skin and dark hair you win straight away lol

I would consider adoption as I have been thinking about that a lot recently and I do have full custody of my teens niece and nephew. So if anyone would like to ask me about that and know more feel free to msg also. Also would consider co parenting but that all depends if we get on but in the msg you must state that’s what you would like to do so I know.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
  • Adoption
  • Co-Parenting (female)
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