syd / San Diego
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Biological Sex: Male

Age: 42

Location: San Diego, California, US

I am a caring and kind guy who constantly gets told that's I'm always smiling. I've been though some hard times, as I'm sure we all have, but I've really focused on healing and trying to be the best me, and now I feel really good, all the way to my core. I am interested in finding a partner to have and raise a child with. I'm interested in doing it on this site because while I want to be a caring and loving dad, I also want to continue being myself and I want you to have the freedom to also be yourself. Of course parenting will be a huge part of that evolving self, but I think that a parenting structure based on friendship might be more optimal than a romantic relationship, allow for more flexibility, and better support the possibility of our child being raised by a village, rather than two people. In today's diverse and crazy world I believe that would give our child the best possibility of living a well balanced and meaningful life.

I have a master's degree in public policy, am a certified scuba instructor, and started a nonprofit focused on ocean conservation, which I'm working to grow. I hope someday that provides a lot of financial bounty, but for now I live a beautiful but simple life.

Open to people from all ethnicities and backgrounds, the most important things to me are that you have a big heart, are mentally grounded, like to have fun, and know that there will be challenges that come in life and with raising a child together, and are committed to working through them constructively.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
  • Co-Parenting (male)
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