gerodish / Perth
gerodish Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 52

Location: Perth, GB

This may not seem great to some of you, however this fact I view to be a good one:- I have had children (who are now 18) and, though the relationship with the mother sadly failed over 10 years ago, I enjoyed being a thoroughly involved, 'hands-on' Dad when my twins were small, see them often and have an excellent rapport and relationship with them.

Well, if that hasn't put you off, "Hi !".

I'm intelligent, erudite, vaguely knowledgeable with good education, breeding and manners. I am an independently wealthy, well travelled home owner etc. If you wish more information do feel free to ask. I would like to help couples (m+f), married couples (m+f) or single females who have difficulty conceiving naturally but yearn for the fun of parenthood.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
  • Co-Parenting (male)
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