irisheod14 / Los Angeles
irisheod14 Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 51

Location: Los Angeles, US

My partner and I have a beautiful little girl who is almost 3 years old and we are hoping to conceive again. We used a known donor the first time around. He is now in grad school and recently engaged. Unfortunately, his fiance isn't comfortable with a second donation. So we are looking for someone exceptional, who would be willing to be identified, with no financial responsibility whatsoever. We do, however, welcome some level of involvement. Looking for an intelligent, empathic, good natured guy (eary 20s- mid 40s). Clean living, etc. My partner and I are both college educated (masters degrees) with wonderful family support on both sides. I had a wonderful pregnancy and have been preparing for the next for some time now- with acupuncture, exercise, supplements, meditation, etc. We are more than happy to answer any and all questions.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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