Jayne / London
Jayne Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 46

Location: London, England-London, GB

I thought I would meet the 'man of my dreams' and be married with children by now, but unfortunately it hasn't happened and I would love to be a mum.

I'm the eldest of 7 children and have 3 nieces and nephews who I absolutely adore. I come from from a very close family with mum and dad still in love. We are very family oriented and love children.

I am 6 feet with an athletic build. I am healthy, active and outgoing and very sociable. I am British Asian, my mum and dad are Anglo Indian, but I was born here and consider myself English...with beautiful exotic blood!

I have a degree in interior design and a job I love and am surrounded by fun, loving people daily.

I am looking for a sperm donor, but would be happy to co-parent if you wanted to.

I would not ask for, or expect, anything financially and I would not burden you with responsibilities. As I mentioned, I would be happy with a sperm donor.

If you prefer to co-parent, then I hope we can build a healthy, friendly, understanding relationship for baby.

With respect, I am looking for someone who has not yet donated and not already co-parenting, as I'd love to share the experience together.

If you're still reading this, then you know I can talk and I think we should too:)

Thank you. I'm looking forward to meeting you xxx

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
  • Co-Parenting (female)
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