lauraanderin / Sydney

Age: 38

Location: Sydney, AU

My wife and I have been together for 8 years. We are extremely eager to have a family of our own. We are both wanting to get pregnant around the same time. We have had 3 unsuccessful rounds of fertility treatment in the USA as we used a donor from a sperm bank (this donor is not available in Australia). I have endometriosis, however I have had surgery and currently have none. We are hoping to try some home inseminations and then IVF if those inseminations don't work.
As for the donor, we would like a man that is ideally over or around 6ft with blue or green eyes. This donor must be willing to be tested for STD's etc. We would like to have the children have no contact with the donor, however we want our children to know about the donor and if our children want to meet the donor when they are older, we are open to that if the donor is.

Interested In

  • IVF
  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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