maybemayad / Berkeley

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 48

Location: Berkeley, California, US

I am looking for:

-Gay man between the ages of 30-50 of any race or cultural background.
-A strong, stable gay (male) couple is also a viable option.
-Living in the bay area, with very strong preference to the east bay.
-Stable in every way.
-Healthy in mind, body and spirit.
-Has some sort of a spiritual dimension to his life, but is not religious.
-Obviously, wants to have a child. With a queer woman, that is. And shares a desire to fully/equally co-parent in separate households. 
-Has a realistic sense of the joys and burdens of parenthood. Has spent time with and around children.
-Kind, gentle and thoughtful. 
-Has the integrity, capacity and grace needed to move through potential conflict with respect and clarity.
-Shares my belief that bringing a child into the world and raising them would be a wonderful and complex process, involving equal parts magic, love, devotion, common sense and responsibility/ perseverance/ endurance.

I myself am a queer woman in my late '30s who answers much of the above description. I have an interesting life story that I would of course share more fully with the right person. My hope/vision is that this person and I would take a long time getting to know each other and working out all the many practical and personal details that would have to be cleared and worked through, should we come to decide we are the right fit for each other to embark on this lifelong journey together. I would take very seriously that we are, hopefully, to become family to each other and would want an equally serious and thorough consideration of what this would entail from anyone open to considering this potentially wonderful and complicated possibility with me

Interested In

  • Co-Parenting (female)
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