mollypocket / Terre Haute
mollypocket Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 33

Location: Terre Haute, US

I am in a lesbian relationship, my partner and I are wanting to have another baby! I, myself have 2, a boy and a girl. This time my partner wants to conceive. She's 33 and has never had a pregnancy, so this would be her first. AI preferred but its negotiable. Would like to have a different race, my partner is African American,and we're wanting to mix it up! I am biracial, so my kids are too. My sons mixed with black and white like me and my daughter's donor is Mexican. We would like to look for another race, maybe Japanese, Korean, Hawaiian, Spanish, just about anything. We're not picky, just want healthy babies. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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