nolmisfit / Detroit Metro
nolmisfit Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 30

Location: Detroit Metro, Michigan, US

So I am ftm transgender. I identify completely as male and when i can afford so in the future i will be having the surgeries, but have been on hormones for awhile. So this leaves me unable to impregnate my wife because i'm not a biological male. We are in our early 20's, i'm almost finished with school and will be a paramedic soon, she is going to school for mortuary science. What we are looking for is someone with an 0+ blood type to match mine so that no future issues or emergencies interfere with anything. Preferable brown/black hair and green/hazel. or light brown eyes. Clean history with drugs and proof of no std's in the last month. Prefer a non drinker, but if you're not an alcoholic and do drink time to time socially then that is fine. If your heritage is a mix of italian, irish, polish, then that is a big bonus. We are looking for someone who is fine with not having a relationship or any responsibility to the child, or children if there is a chance of twins. We are looking for artificial, definitely not natural insemination. My wife and I have high fears about this kind of thing because we have never done something like this before. We've been married since December 2015. Not a very long time but we are ready to start our family and have the happiest life possible together. I work full time and without her income i make an easy 2500 a month currently, once i'm done with school it will be more. We aren't too worried about her working because we are well taken care of with my job, but she does work part time for the moment.

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