ray / Perth
ray Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 36

Location: Perth, Victoria, AU

For the past few years a lesbian friend and her partner have had trouble finding a suitable sperm donor. After seeing how difficult things were for them I decided that it would be nice if I could help a woman in a similar position to become a mother.

I have no history of genetic disease in my family and live an active lifestyle (which is a perfect excuse for not going to the gym as often as I should.) I have an athletic build and am 5'7". My eyes are light brown with a hint of green and 20/20.

I am highly educated, professional and very intelligent. My personality is INTJ and I am a member of Mensa (if that means anything to you).

I have a strong appreciation for music, literature, art and architecture and I particularly enjoy musical productions.

I love travel. I have spent many years living overseas and have honestly lost count of how many countries I have visited. I speak Japanese fluently, Chinese pretty well and Spanish very badly.

Ideally I would like to find a single woman or lesbian couple whom I believe would make a good mother/mothers. Intelligence, a good nature and an active lifestyle would all be bonuses.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
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