shaun03 / Orlando
shaun03 Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Male

Age: 58

Location: Orlando, FL, US

Professional heterosexual male interested in anonymous natural insemination donation.

I am a retired military pilot who is, and always has been, STD free. I receive STD screening annually.

I'm an Airline Pilot with the ability to travel throughout the country. I am also a Law Enforcement professional.

Motivations: You are motivated to conceive a child. I am motivated to proliferate my genes. At the present time, I am not interested in being a spouse or a father.

Sex: My primary motivation is knowing that my lineage survives me. However, I'm only interested in natural insemination because, well, I enjoy sex, and I don't like the idea of masturbating into a cup and mailing it.
For this reason, there must be a certain level of attraction. I believe my genes to be of high quality, and I want my progeny to have quality genes from both parents. I’m not looking for any beauty queens, but you must be of healthy weight and appearance. No smokers or drug addicts.
I have never been racist (I believe that we all evolved from the same human lineage), therefore so-called “race” is not an issue. Nor am I concerned with ethnicity, creed, or sexual orientation (I have no issue with Lesbians, though they must be comfortable with the NI aspect).

Honesty: Since I will remain anonymous, I have nothing to hide. While I've always lived my life in the open with no regrets or apologies, the additional anonymity allows a release from societal requirements to shield certain aspects of one’s life from public scrutiny (i.e. bad habits, etc.) I pledge to be completely open to any pointed questions; no need to “beat around the bush”.

What I offer: I am extremely healthy and fit. I’m attractive, though not overly handsome. I’ve been a runner since high school and therefore have a lean physique. I hold an AS and BS degree. I’ve never taken drugs (though I may one day try Marijuana when it’s legal). My only vice is alcohol in the form of beer and wine mostly; I don’t have a taste for liquor.
I believe that my signature trait – and the trait that I hope targets someone similar – is that I lack the gene (if there actually is one) for superstition. At an early age I developed skepticism for anything related to superstition; especially religion. I consider myself Atheist, but since we cannot disprove deities, I’m functionally Agnostic. I have a scientific mind, but not the brilliance to be a scientist.

This is my first foray into fertility donation. I don’t know if it will ever pan-out, but I’m going to give it a shot. I’m not in any hurry since sex really isn’t the driving factor, so we can take it slow… start with initial communication, exchange of photos, meeting for dinner, and then whatever follows.

Good luck with your search.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (donor)
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