startfamily / Kalamazoo
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Biological Sex: Female

Age: 43

Location: Kalamazoo, US

We are a very fun loving, compassionate, motivated, professional, caring, adventurous, and dedicated female couple. We have a relationship built on communication, trust, mutual respect, and love that can be seen across a room and makes our closest friends a bit jealous. We enjoy each other and life, yet we both feel a void that we can not fill without the help of a donor, which brings us here. We are looking for some help to complete our dream of a complete family, a child to share our love and family values with. We are looking to conserve through specimen donation only and are willing to travel, if needed. Please feel free to ask us and questions you would like to assure this is a good fit.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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