wilkobex / auckland
wilkobex Touch to Enlarge

Biological Sex: Female

Age: 37

Location: auckland, NZ

My partner and I are ready to start a family and we're looking for a male to help us out with the technical's!
We would prefer for no 'primary' involvement to be had but are keen to have communication so that if the child/children should want contact in the future they would be able to do so.
We are both very genuine and open people who want to provide a happy and stable home for our children. I am English and my partner is a Kiwi, we met in Australia and have been in NZ for 9 months now. I am a nanny so having been in this profession for nearly 8 years I am pretty clued up about the smaller humans ;) My partner is a training facilitator, she is energetic and bubbly so will definitely be the "good cop" out of the two of us haha!
Please, please get in touch if you think you could help us out - we'd love to hear from you and start talking.

Interested In

  • Sperm Donation (recipient)
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