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British Columbia and anonymous sperm donations
Olivia Pratten has won her high-profile test case against the provincial government of British Columbia.Her lawyers successfully argued that the province's adoption laws discriminated against donor offspring such as her because they don't allow them the same ability to learn their genetic roots as adopted children.
The Attorney General for British Columbia has not ruled out appealing the ruling after examining the judgment.
In the meantime other donor offspring have stated they will now contest laws in their own provinces.
Supreme Court Judge Elaine Adair wrote, "Strong and positive relationships with social parents do not satisfy or eliminate the desire and need of donor offspring to know where they came from, and their need to know their origins is just as powerful and real as those of adoptees."
That strong desire to know will certainly lead to more test cases and should be welcomed, though anonymous sperm donations do remain the choice of many sperm recipients in British Columbia and the rest of Canada.
Read more about the Olivia Pratten sperm donor test case