Leading Documentary Company Wants to Hear Your Co-parenting or donor conception story
Respected and trusted television production company Windfall Films, is researching a documentary about modern families, co-parenting and donor conception.If you’re a co-parent, searching for a parenting partnership, or going through a co-parent pregnancy, or you’re a single woman under 35 looking for a donor to conceive, we’d love to hear about your journey. We’d simply like to talk at this stage. Getting in touch will not in any way commit you to taking part.
Windfall Films has a trusted reputation and proven track record in making sensitive documentaries with a committed approach for the BBC, Channel 4, and all major broadcasters. Our programmes have not only won awards but many have been used to help train doctors, social workers, and teachers. Please see more about us on our website: www.windfallfilms.com.
For a confidential chat, please get in touch with producer Kim Duke: kimduke@windfallfilms.com or 0207 251 7676.