
Our Position


This is just a quick post to restate our position regarding sperm donations.

PollenTree is for sperm donors who wish to donate for altruistic reasons – to help another person.

If a donor has expenses related to donating, (which is quite usual) it is up to the donor and the recipient to discuss these and agree on the amount. However, these expenses should be wholly reasonable, and should not be used as a way to charge a fee.

We want to encourage and foster a community based upon altruism and mutual respect.

We also want to give genuine donors a chance to meet and help others.

Our terms & conditions and code of conduct are clear.

However, we can only manage our own website. We only ever remove accounts based upon what happens on PollenTree.

We are delighted to have so many great members on PollenTree.
So thank you for being part of this growing community.