
Sperm Donor Unknown

The critically acclaimed documentary Sperm Donor Unknown  aired on Channel 4 in the UK last night.

The film follows 20 year old JoEllen Marsh as she tries to find the her sperm donor father.

JoEllen used an online registry that connects children born through sperm donation, and helps those children find their half-brothers and sisters. In all JoEllen finds 12 more half-siblings dotted around the US.

Eventually she finds her sperm donor father, Jeffery Harrison. Jeffery is an aging surfer hippie type living in a broken-down camper van in Venice Beach, California.

Jeffery donated his sperm to California Cryobank in the 1980s as a way to make a bit of extra cash.

All the siblings share some of his distinctive features, such as eyebrows, the shape of his forehead and certain mannerisms.

All this makes for a very engaging film.

See the related Channel 4 page: