
That whole D&G thing

Ok, so the whole Dolce & Gabbana v. Elton John spat is starting to calm down – and there is evidence of a climb-down and apology by D&G.

We certainly think D&G’s PR department earned their money this month and probably deserve a pay increase.

Now a few celebrities have taken sides, with one saying their comments were effectively lost in translation – to this we say rubbish.

The comments made by the pair were both clear and unambiguous.

This makes them all the more bewildering.

For two openly gay men to judge others who have made the decision to have children by the means they must, including those seeking IVF treatment is truly staggering. Have they not directly benefitted from changing times and opinions, both personally and professionally?

Their recent fashion show celebrated the mother in society; “Viva la mamma” is a fine sentiment both in Italy and anywhere else in the world. But defending motherhood through attacking others who wish to have families is an odd route. We would respectfully suggest other (better) ways to celebrate and protect motherhood, for example more affordable childcare provision, greater work/life balance. At the more challenging end – homelessness, poverty, preventing and educating on issues such as FGM and domestic violence and abuse.

So anyway their comments will probably be forgotten and the parties involved may even at some point reconcile.

However, back in the real world people need support for the choices they make, whether they are a “traditional” family or not.

If people want children (and as an aging population we really need more children) they should be supported. The people in non-traditional families work in the same jobs and pay the same taxes as anyone else.

What is being asked for is not special treatment – it is equality and some measure of understanding.

Yes, there are others with a different view (which they are entitled to), but attacking those that follow a different route to the same goal does not particularly strengthen their view.

In the end people want children and they want to commit to those they bring up children with and they want their children to take their place in society, so they can in turn contribute to society – not really that controversial is it?